Program Application

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    This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 60 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 20.00%
    Additional terms Commissions will be audited weekly and processed for payment via PayPal. Individuals who use their unique URL for their own orders, will not be awarded commission upon those sales
    Swolverine is an athlete and active lifestyle brand


    We take our affiliate program seriously. Every conversion is investigated before approving/denying payments to our store’s affiliates. We reserve the right to refuse access to any account that demonstrates affiliate fraud and/or illegitimate affiliate conversions. If your account is found to be demonstrating either of these behaviors your account will be deleted immediately.


    If your account has been found to demonstrate suspicious activity, after the successful removal of your account from our platform, your illegitimate affiliate conversions and/or fraudulent tracking orders to Refersion for further review of your account on the Refersion platform.


    If you have been denied payments, we review every payment and map it back to the original source. Denied payments are due to failure to source the purchase back to your affiliate link, and therefore has resulted in the denied payment(s).